Sustainability in itself is a self-explanatory concept. The process of using less and reusing more is the motto of sustainability. The concept of the three R’s is the promotional idea of sustainability. Sustainability stands for reducing the wants of today in order to secure the needs of the future.
There are multiple facets of sustainability, like social, economic, environmental, and societal. Every category is equally responsible for the depletion and preservation of natural resources. A lot of projects are under construction to lay the groundwork for the preservation of biodiversity.
Seeing the busy schedule people have today and that it doesn’t get better, there are many ways one can be green and go on with their normal routine. The planet isn’t stoic; she has a plethora of feelings which we need to keep in consideration. Let us show you point by point how being aware of our daily routine can do miracles for the planet.
There are several ways to be sustainable. Here are a few of them.
How to be sustainable:
At home
- Separating trash accordingly (wet waste, biodegradable, dry waste/plastic etc.).
- Reusing plastic bottles, curd bottles, and restaurant cutlery as pots for plants.
- Reusing plastic utensils and restaurant cutlery to feed strays and birds.
- Replacing plastic with earthenware, copper, and aluminium.
- Returning carry bags to delivery partners (for re-use purposes).
- Not using electricity when not necessary (like, not using lights before sun-down).
- Re-using paper (by erasing the old notes to write new ones, and for crafts etc.).
- Collecting plastic bottles and give them up for recycling.
- Making home-made fertilizers out of food-scraps.
- Investing in LED lighting or CFL bulbs, lasts longer and uses up less energy.
- Always turn off lights/electricity when not in use, or leave the room.
- Dry your wet clothes in natural sunlight instead of using a dryer.
- Let your hair air-dry instead of using a blow-drying equipment.
- Hand wash clothes, machines use up more water.
- Shower less, bathe using buckets.
- Grow your own vegetable, fruits and herbs etc.
- Turn off your appliances, machines and devices at night.
- Use less heating appliances, and layer up on clothes in winter.
When shopping
- When shopping carry your own tote bag.
- Avoid buying in bulk as it leads to food wastage.
- Avoid buying plastic-wrapped products.
- Don’t buy bottled water.
- Grow your own vegetation.
- Reuse water used to wash vegetables/pulses, for watering plants.
- Buy from your local markets.
In fashion and beauty
- Turn off water while brushing.
- Use towels instead of cotton pads.
- Use reusable cotton pads.
- Switch to shampoo bars.
- Share products with family members.
- Use multipurpose toiletries.
- Use products made from natural ingredients.
- Check for harmful or toxics ingredients.
- Donate unwanted products, make use they’re not expired.
- Make your own cleanser and scrub.
- Thrift as much as you can.
- Buy second-hand clothes.
- Pursue minimalism.
- Invest in slow-fashion, reject fast fashion.
- Invest in better quality clothes.
- Support local brands, and brands that contribute in ethical and environment-conscious manufacturing.
- Reduce the frequency of washing your clothes.
- Repurpose old rags, clothes or donate.
- Take up sewing, knitting and make your own clothes.
- Up-cycle old clothes.
When travelling
- , invest in a second-hand bicycle and use it for commuting.
- Take the stairs instead of an elevator.
- Give up your car. Live a car free life.
- Carpool when possible.
- Use rental bikes to move around in your city.
- Use public transport. It’s an excellent alternative for a car, saves you a ton of money.
- Invest in an electric-powered vehicle.
When gifting
- Save wrapping-paper, gift bags and boxes for future use.
- Use digital gifting like filming a video.
- Donate to charity instead of asking for or buying gifts.
- Repurpose old materials to make jewellery, hats, clothing etc.
When in-office
- Go paperless.
- Opt for digitization, to receive notices and letters.
- Use phone, tablet or computer for note-taking.
- Turn off electrical devices when leaving
- Don’t buy a home printer.
- Add plants to your workspace.
- Use double-sided printing.
Through Technology
- Use solar power.
- Use rechargeable batteries.
- Exchange your devices when buying a new one.
- Switch to cloud instead of hard drives and servers.
- Buy second-hand appliances.
- Buy energy-efficient technology.
In your lifestyle
- Switch to vegetarianism.
- Contribute in tree plantation drives.
- Borrow books from library.
- Buy from second-hand bookstores.
- Adopt strays instead of buying them from a breeder, or a pet shop.
- Prepare home cooked meals, eat at home and save on takeaways storage containers.
- Use stainless straws/copper metallic straws.
- Use stainless steel drink bottles.
- Read your newspapers online instead of reading the paper versions.
- Stop accepting cutlery and napkins from restaurants.
- Use handkerchief instead of tissue papers.
- Use cloth towels instead of paper towels.
- Volunteering in drives which promote nature conservation
- Separating trash accordingly (wet waste, biodegradable, dry waste/plastic etc.)
- Be water wise.
- Drive less.
- Think twice before shopping.
- Go #PlasticFree.
- Switch to cloth diapers.
- Buy wooden baby toys.
- Source second-hand toys or join a toy library.
- Use pacifiers made from natural rubbers.
- Repurpose glass jars.
- Limit the use of hot water when washing hands in winter.
- Make your own coffee instead of buying it.
- Ditch your bin liner and use newspaper instead.
- Start composting.
- Invest in a pressure cooker, it saves 70% energy.
- Other things you can do to contribute
- Boycott products that endanger nature.
- Pay close attention to labels.
- Green your home.
- Use your voice and your vote.
These can be gradually and without difficulty incorporated into your regular activities without feeling like a chore. Being a big contributor to that desire, even if only 1% of it goes into the drive, is really fulfilling. You can do countless things to live a healthy and sustainable existence. We can live sustainably while still having a good time. It will be simpler to maintain these behaviors after you have made them part of your routine. Keep in mind there is only one Earth.
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