10 Things India Need to Do to Inculcate Sustainable Living!

Indians who live sustainably are interested in more ideas to increase the same. Many of you wish to help others in discovering how to build a more just and sustainable world. This list of ten highly effective steps for environmental sustainability and social justice is meant to help you in achieving that goal.

These categories don’t cover all the things you can do to contribute to a better future, but our site is brimming with more suggestions and information.

Individual efforts taken by Green Indians all throughout the nation add up to a significant amount of change. Share this list of sustainable living advice with your loved ones and on social media right away!

Sustainable Living Tips:

1. Saving Water

The average Indian family uses more than 150 liters of water per day, according to statistics. It’s crucial to conserve water wherever you can because droughts are being brought on by climate change both domestically and internationally. Numerous towns have been put in danger as a result of the decline in water quality caused by industrial pollution, fossil fuels, toxic runoff from agriculture, and deteriorated infrastructure made of lead pipes. To prevent local water tables from becoming contaminated, be careful not to pour chemicals down your home’s drain. Also, try to conserve water wherever you can.

2. Go Toxic-free

You’ve probably heard the claim that the toxic chemicals commonly present in traditional cleansers and other goods cause indoor air to be up to ten times more polluted than outdoor air. If you haven’t already started, make 2022 the year to get started. By making your house healthier for you and your family means using eco-friendly, less harmful cleaning supplies, detergents, scents, candles, body care, and other items.

3. Closet Purging

Indians purchase far too much clothing, which floods landfills. Also, a lot of donated clothes end up in the trash, which is again a waste. What is the remedy for all this waste? If you want to live sustainably, buy less and more durable organic and green clothing rather than disposable “fast fashion” items when you do buy. Invest in slow fashion, buy local, and stop glamorizing clothing hauls. Cheap clothing won’t last longer while spending a little more on clothes might save the problem of excess and useless purchasing. The fast-fashion companies use cheap-labor and indulge in child-labor which is against the law, and we should immediately stop this madness.

4. Reducing Energy Use 

You may cut your energy costs in half if you make the most of every opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of your home and workplace. To further reduce your carbon footprint, switch to green energy for the remainder of your energy needs. Avoid over-consumption of energy when not necessary. Adapt to natural sources of light.

5. Responsible Banking and Investing

If you spend your money wisely, it can make the world a better place. Your financial situation can benefit not just you but also other people and the environment by selecting socially conscious bank accounts and investment options. Money being wisely invested under professional management might bring about a significant amount of economic pressure on businesses to improve their practices. The wiser the business economies spend on environmentally conscious manufacturing, the better the results combined. 

6. Choose “Organic Food” 

At Green India, we frequently refer to “Organic food” as food that is organic (produced without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers that destroy the environment), planted and harvested fairly in methods that don’t exploit farmworkers, and isn’t harsh to or unkind toward animals. According to studies, we’ve recently begun to include food produced using sustainable agricultural practices as well. Soil is repaired through regenerative agriculture, improving its capacity to absorb carbon. Regenerative farming could potentially help to reverse the climate crisis. Better quality of food equals better of the people health. A healthy agricultural practice will lead to better sustainability.

7. Building Green

Buildings, both new and old, have a significant impact on the environment. Building and home owners can live more sustainably and significantly lessen a structure’s influence on the environment and climate by adopting green features and employing renewable, recycled, and salvaged materials.

8. Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose

Finding creative uses for stuff you already own or selling, purchasing, or bartering for someone else’s goods all contribute to reducing energy use, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting the Earth’s limited resources. Reusable products, such as bottles of water, are preferable to single-use disposables because they reduce waste and ease the strain on landfills.

To conserve resources, recycle unwanted objects that can’t be used whenever you can. India’s repurpose habits are found in every household; from using old shirts for rags to using plastic bottles as pots for plants. India might be in the lead when it comes to “repurposing”.

9. Thriving Transportation

One of the main causes of global warming pollution is transportation. Instead of driving, go for a walk, a ride on the bus, or a bicycle.  You’ll reduce emissions that contribute to climate catastrophe and lower air pollution.

Use cycles when running an errand. Carpool regularly. Always avoid using vehicles for distances which can be travelled on foot. One must decrease the number of cars to purchase and adopt the “One family one car” motto.

10. Traveling Sustainably

All of the cars that are driven on the planet’s roadways and air travel in particular all contribute to climate change. Take public transportation, walk, bike, or use it wherever possible to reduce your exposure to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. When it’s time to take a vacation, picking locally-owned hotels, organic eateries, and green enterprises can help you leave as little of a carbon imprint as possible. Politicians, celebrities, and multiple other famous personalities must stop travelling in private jets. A motion is passed through a majority, not singularly. The same goes for sustainability and climate preservation.

These ten green living ideas can help you see how you can live sustainably and develop eco-friendly habits. India will prosper when the quality of life will increase.

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